About Bouquet Dill Seed Plug Grow Kit
The Bouquet Dill is an early maturing dill variety with dark feathered green leaves. The aromatic, citrusy, and slightly licorice-like flavour adds a lot of taste to vegetable, meat, and fish dishes.
Bouquet Dill, a fast-growing cool-season plant, flourishes from fall to late spring and is an excellent companion to lettuce, cucumbers, and onions (avoid planting near carrots and tomatoes). For a steady supply, try succession planting every 14 days both outdoors or indoors in your kitchen garden. At full maturity, it produces umbels of golden-yellow flowers with a caraway-like spice and earthy flavour. Harvest seeds by allowing the flower heads to turn brown in mid-to-late summer or just before winter.
SEED PLUG GROW KIT: Grow your best garden with this beginner-friendly Grow Kit including 6 non-GMO, pre-seeded plugs and a mini greenhouse. Just add water, cover with the greenhouse lid and watch it grow. It's that SIMPLE!
These nutrient-rich plugs, made from compressed organic material, provide the perfect balance of water, air, and nutrients for your seedlings. They self-regulate water distribution, preventing over or under-watering for optimal hydration. When transplanting, simply plant into the ground, a garden bed or container - no root loss or transplant shock.
Free from Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides or other harmful substances. biodegradable plug made of natural, renewable materials. Box recyclable. Greenhouse made of 80% recycled plastic & 20% virgin plastic and Recyclable.