Limited flash sale tickets (the best value and most flexible tickets of the season!) available last weekend in March.
Naturally maintain the well-being of your garden plants by attracting beneficial insects! Insect Houses provide a safe haven for weary Bees, Butterflies, and Ladybugs to rest, hibernate, nest, and lay eggs away from lurking predators. These garden companions assist in the pollination of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, while also serving as a natural form of pest control.
Bee Insect House
Sold out $20.00
Butterfly Insect House
Ladybug Insect House
It's more than just flowers, it’s an experience. WIth over 2M tulips bursting in vivid colour over 40 acres, come build core memories with us.
Water is vital for plants but also pivitol in their success. Though no universal rule exists, here are proven strategies to guide your watering.
Planning to grow a flower garden or grow your own food? Protect your garden from rodents, deer and bird damage with some reliable, proven strategies.