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Peony Assortment

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Après réception de votre commande, nous traitons et expédions sous 2 jours. Nous n'expédions pas le samedi ou le dimanche. Vous recevrez un e-mail dès que votre commande aura été expédiée. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.

Peony Assortment


  • A dazzling assortment of red, pink and white double blooms
  • Peonies offer over a week's vase life, making a delightful addition to floral arrangements
  • Once established, Peonies require minimal care and continue to grow for generations
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  • Blooms in
    Blooms in Late Spring (May - June)
  • Height
    Height 75-90 cm (30-36 in)
  • Planting Depth
    Planting Depth 5 cm (2 in)
  • Hardiness Zone
    Hardiness Zone Hardiness Zone (3-7)-Half-Hardiness Zone (8-10)
  • Light Requirements
    Light Requirements Sun
  • Bulb size
    Bulb size 2/3 eyes
  • Spacing
    Spacing 50-60 cm (20-24 in)
  • Origin
    Origin Holland
  • Watering
    Watering Moderate
  • Usage
    Usage Cut Flower, Fragrant Garden, Garden Bed
  • Plant Characteristics
    Plant Characteristics Pollinator Friendly, Deer Resistant, Outdoor
  • Winterization
    Winterization Yes
  • Plant Life Cycle
    Plant Life Cycle Perennial

About Peony Assortment

Vibrant and fragrant, few flowering shrubs compare to peonies, making it difficult to pick just one! With our Paeonia Lactiflora Peony Assortment, your flower bed will dazzle in a variety of red, pink, and white double blooms.

Peonies evoke nostalgia with their lush foliage, voluptuous blooms and sweet, delicate fragrance. Whether as a striking centerpiece, in cottage gardens, or border clusters, these plants add enduring charm to any setting. Harvested at the bud or "soft marshmallow" stage, Peonies offer over a week's vase life, making a delightful addition to floral arrangements.

A perennial classics, Peonies bloom reliably in early June, unfazed by weather due to their durability. Though they might take up to two years to flower after planting, once established, they need minimal care and thrive for generations.

How to Grow Peony

Planting Peony

  • Plant in spring after the last frost.
  • Keep plants cool until planting and be careful that they do not dry out.
  • These plants will grow in most soils provided they are not too wet and are adequately drained.
  • Dig a large hole at least 30 cm (12 in) deep. Mix in some well rotted manure or compost and a handful of bone meal or general fertilizer.
  • Avoid planting peonies too deep, the top of the crown should be no more than 5 cm (2 in) below the surface.

Growing Peony

  • These plants do not appreciate being moved so it is important to ensure they are planted in good, fertile soil.
  • Once planted the addition of organic mulch will help retain moisture in the soil as well as keeping down the weeds. It is important not to put the mulch directly on the crown. Wet mulch on the crown can cause crown rot.

Peony Care

  • If the plant is thriving and the soil is basically fertile peonies do not need regular applications of fertilizers.
  • Though peony flowers are often irresistible as cut flowers, be careful with young plants. When cutting flowers it is practically impossible to not also cut the leaves. These leaves are essential to the peony if it is to make its food reserves. So take but a few flowers from each plant and leave as much foliage as possible.

Winterizing Peony

  • Peonies take some time to establish. As a rule leave undisturbed for at least 5 years before lifting and dividing clumps. When breaking up clumps each new division should have at least two or three growth buds (eyes).
  • For new plants, provide a winter mulch of evergreen boughs or salt marsh hay after the ground freezes to help prevent heaving.


Holland is where the garden party never stops! Renowned for its rich horticultural tradition and expertise, Holland is a flower-power paradise. Synonymous with vibrant blooms and top-tier bulbs, 80% of the world’s bulb cultivation has roots in Holland. Before our bulbs set sail on their global adventure, we conduct meticulous checks for size and disease. So, gear up to cultivate Dutch flower charm in your own garden!


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Asked 7 months ago

I bought 6 packages of TASC peony bulbs at BJ’s. I planted 3 packages (12 bulbs) Only one package (4 bulbs) sprouted and the others were duds. Should I throw them out or try next year? The 3 unopened packages are they now dead or plant next year?

Yes, you can plant peony bulbs (or more accurately, peony root divisions) from last year, provided they are still in good condition. Peonies do not grow from traditional bulbs like some other plants, but from fleshy, tuberous roots that have "eyes" (buds). If you have leftover peony root divisions from last year, here’s what you need to know:
Steps for Planting Peony Roots from Last Year:

Check for Viability:
Inspect the root divisions to ensure they are healthy. The roots should be firm and not mushy or shriveled.
Look for visible "eyes" or buds. These are the growing points that will eventually produce stems and flowers.

If you’ve been storing them since last year, make sure they were kept in a cool, dry place. If they’ve been kept in a damp or overly warm environment, they might not be viable.
If you haven’t stored them properly and they seem to have dried out, soak them in water for a few hours before planting to rehydrate them.

The best time to plant peony roots is in the fall (September to October) or in early spring when the ground can be worked.
If it’s already spring or fall, go ahead and plant them. They may take a season or two to establish and bloom, but they should eventually grow.

Planting Depth:
Peonies need to be planted at the correct depth for best results. Plant the root divisions with the "eyes" (buds) about 1 to 2 inches below the soil surface.
Planting them too deep or too shallow can prevent blooming.

Peonies prefer full sun and well-drained soil. They don’t like soggy roots, so make sure the area has good drainage.

After planting, water the peonies well to settle the soil around the roots. Peonies generally require minimal care once established but will benefit from occasional watering during dry periods.


Asked 10 months ago

Do you have red peonies.

We will hopefully have red Karl Rosenfeld back in Spring, please check back at the end of this year!


Asked 10 months ago

Do you have red peonies?

Thank you for your intererst in our products.
The Karl Rosenfield Peonies are red and yes, we do sell them!


Asked 10 months ago

Do you have red peonies?

We will hopefully have red Karl Rosenfeld back in Spring, please check back at the end of this year!