Black Beauty Zucchini Seed Grow Kit

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Black Beauty Zucchini Seed Grow Kit

SKU: 841065102878
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  • Creamy, white flesh that is delicious however you prepare it. Sauté, fry or bake – you can't go wrong!
  • Fast-growing variety that will continue to produce abundantly through summer
  • Kit includes natural jute planter bag, soil and seeds

How many plants do I need? Recommend spacing 60 cm.

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About Black Beauty Zucchini Seed Grow Kit

Start your gardening journey with this beginner-friendly seed starting kit. Complete with a reusable natural jute fiber bag, premium soil, a seed packet, and easy-to-follow instructions for optimal growth. Join the farm-to-table movement and happy planting!

A glossy black-green heirloom, Black Beauty Zucchini has a creamy, white flesh that is delicious however you prepare it. Sauté, fry or bake – you can't go wrong!

A fast-growing, early variety, Black Beauty Zucchini is highly productive, continuing to yield abundantly throughout summer with consistent harvesting. For the best taste and texture, start picking these zucchinis when they reach 6-8""in length and 2"" diameter, displaying a rich, dark green colour.

Jute bag dimensions: 8 x 7 inches / 20 x 18.5 cm

  • Height
    Height 45-60 cm (18-24 in)
  • Planting Depth
    Planting Depth - (-)
  • Hardiness Zone
    Hardiness Zone Hardiness Zone (3-7)-Half-Hardiness Zone (8-10)
  • Light Requirements
    Light Requirements Sun
  • Spacing
    Spacing 60-90 cm (24-36 in)
  • Watering
    Watering Moderate
  • Usage
    Usage Container Garden, Culinary Garden, Garden Bed
  • Plant Characteristics
    Plant Characteristics Pollinator Friendly, Heirloom, Edible, Outdoor
  • Winterization
    Winterization No
  • Plant Life Cycle
    Plant Life Cycle Annual

How to Grow Seed Plugs

Planting Seed Plugs

  • Plant in spring after the last frost.
  • Keep plants cool until planting and be careful that they do not dry out.
  • These plants will grow in most soils provided they are not too wet and are adequately drained.
  • Dig a large hole at least 30 cm (12 in) deep. Mix in some well rotted manure or compost and a handful of bone meal or general fertilizer.
  • Plant with the top of the crown, base of the fans 3 cm (1 in) below soil level and space 30 to 40 cm (12 to 16 in) apart.
  • Water thoroughly after planting.

Growing Seed Plugs

  • Place on a dish in direct sunlight indoors
  • Add water to dish if plugs dry out

Seed Plugs Care

  • Once seeds are germinated, remove lid and place under base
  • When roots become visible, traansplant into garden or planter. Do not plant outside until after last frost.

Winterizing Seed Plugs

  • Do not plant outside until after last last frost

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